Individual Counseling Orlando

Individual Counseling in Orlando

If you are wondering if you should obtain individual counseling services Orlando it is likely you are at the end of your rope and need assistance. Many individuals seek therapy to learn how to cope with a multitude of problems in their lives. Individual counseling is a collaborative process between the therapist and client. As your team of mental health therapists, We will act as a facilitator to help you understand the root cause of the problems you are struggling with. You will see irrational thought patterns and regain control of your life. Through the process, you will gain a new set of skills and tools that will help you move forward in life equipped to regain control and find true happiness and balance.

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Divorce Counseling in Orlando

Divorce Counseling seeks to help aid in bridging the communication and bring awareness to the couple. Relationships are hard at times. We get lost in the argument and forget what the topic or issue is. Couples must be both willing to work on themselves individually as well as together. You can bring the flow, ease and love back to the relationship or marriage. Maybe you both agree to go your separate ways. Let’s work as a team to help make it peaceful and kind. Bring this awareness to your marriage and make a conscious decision which way to go. No matter what you and your partner decide, it can be done in an amicable and healthy way.

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Divorce Counseling Orlando
Family Counseling Orlando

Family Counseling in Orlando

Families grow and change over time. It is not uncommon for a family to get “stuck”. They feel as if they are caught in the same destructive patterns day in and day out. Our work with family counseling includes looking at the family as a whole and observing the dynamics involved. It’s important that we see all of the members of the family interacting. This is helpful in order to gain a full understanding of their communication and shifts of power. At High Expectations Counseling we work to identify the family’s strengths and develop a strategy that uses those strengths to help resolve their problems. We can provide the family the insight and understanding which will allow them to regain order and balance.

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Marriage & Relationship Counseling in Orlando

Relationships and marriages are challenging at times. Communication and listening becomes heavy and we need help navigating through the difficult challenges. We often find each other blaming and accusing one another. It turns into the “Right and Wrong” game quickly. Hurtful remarks are made and it feels as if your partner has become a stranger. Anger and resentment lead to hurtful remarks. Learn how to get past personalizing what others think and see life and your relationship accurately without the expectations and assumptions you were conditioned so strongly to believe.

Premarital Counseling is also a service that is a huge success when working to fully understand your partner and the dynamics of the relationship as well as yourself before entering into marriage. Our team brings together a collaborative and dynamic method that is evidence based and effective. Watch your relationship heal and create a lasting and stronger connection than ever before.

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Marriage Counseling Orlando
Teen Counseling Orlando

Teen & Adolescent Counseling in Orlando

Today’s adolescents are growing up at such a young age. The messages they receive from the media and society are constant and confusing. Very rarely is a teen willing or happy to attend therapy. They do not have the skill set to verbalize the multitude of emotions they feel. We excel at gaining the adolescent’s respect and trust in order to help them feel safe in opening up. Getting a teen to see their true value and worth is vital in helping them learn to operate in today’s world. Creating a sense of who they are. Increased self awareness and self esteem is key. We work with teens to help build a bridge when it comes to communicating their needs. Talk therapy is not always effective when working with teens. We integrate art therapy as a vital tool for reaching our youth.

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Child Counseling in Orlando

Child Counseling Orlando involves the therapist in a more delicate dance and needs to be handled gently. Children communicate in a much different way than teens. Much of our work with children is conducted through art and play therapy. Understanding how to effectively parent, utilize positive reinforcement and address conduct disorders are all a part of working with children and helping them to develop a set of tools that will set them up for success. With the overdiagnosis of ADHD in children today, the lines are becoming blurred as to what the underlying factors may be. Child counseling Orlando helps to eliminate any behavioral problems by assisting the family in gaining the knowledge and skill set to help their child. Let your child be a kid and regain balance once and for all.

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Child Counseling Orlando
Addiction Counseling Orlando

Substance & Behavioral Abuse Addiction Counseling in Orlando

Alcohol and drugs as well as behavioral addictions (shopping, pornography, sex, gambling, etc) are used as a coping mechanism. They mask fear and pain. Many clients coping with substance and behavioral abuse issues are unwilling or do not have the skill set to understand the driving factors for their ongoing use. Our team will work with you to get to the core issues of why you feel the need to “numb out” and avoid your feelings. Real change occurs when we stop seeking outside of self to fill what we perceive is lacking on the inside. You will be equipped with the knowledge and awareness you need to eliminate stress, cravings, triggers, depression, anxiety, trauma, etc. You will no longer feel the need to turn to drugs, alcohol or other destructive behaviors.

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Spirituality Counseling Orlando

As we grow and expand our awareness and consciousness, we have a desire to seek out a spiritual relationship with ourselves. One that is in connection to source and alignment with our true self. A connection with God or your higher power. When we tap into the source within us and no longer seek to attach to earthly things, we see that our pain and suffering no longer exist. Spiritual guidance along with mental health counseling is a spiritual journey. Not only for you to connect back to yourself but to the true spiritual nature of who you are and who you have always been. Gain the self awareness of how you create heaven or hell here on earth. You are a powerful manifestor of your reality. Our team understands the need to go deeper to the real source of who you are and the unfolding of your truth and infinite being.

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Spirituality Counseling Orlando
Online Counseling Therapy Orlando

Online Counseling & Phone Therapy Orlando

Online Counseling and Phone Therapy in Orlando is a great way to enhance sessions as an added service or a stand alone form of therapy. There are several benefits which allow you to continue the work on yourself. It’s ideal for those who travel, live in a remote location or for for those due to physical illness or the inability to leave the home. Online Counseling and Phone Therapy is a great way to reach teens that are unwilling or nervous to attend face to face therapy. It is effective and confidential. Many find it to be just as good as in office therapy. Our team is able to reach you at your need and can tailor fit the right therapeutic approach to set you on the right path.

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Present Centered Awareness Therapy Counseling Orlando

Present Centered Awareness Therapy focuses on mindfulness, awareness and increasing ones consciousness. Living a life that is in harmony and balance with self and the world around you. Understanding the laws of this universe and how you relate to all that is around you. No longer are you an individual in this world but you see yourself as interconnected to all of life. Seek to do the deeper work of aligning with yourself and finding true bliss and peace. At High Expectations Counseling we want to see you come into alignment with the real you and cultivate a state of bliss, freedom from stress and pain that has been holding you back from your true alignment.

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Awarness Counseling Orlando
Group Counseling Orlando

Group Counseling Orlando

Group Counseling is a great way to plug in to others and gain the support you need. It is utilized in conjunction with other types of therapy, (individual, relationships, spirituality, substance abuse, etc), or as a stand alone service. We think others don’t understand what we are going through. Plugging into a group gives you the experience of gaining not only support from others but creates a community of common and shared awarenesses that private therapy does not bring. Our team brings various types of groups that we are sure will enhance your growth and experience as you unfold to really know yourself and how we all operate in this world.

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